Hwy 149 & Hwy 13 Complete Streets
These Complete Streets projects included mill and overlays and addressed critical accessibility and safety improvements along two corridors, Highway 149 from I-494 to George St. and across the Mississippi River to Highway 5; and Highway 13 from Cherokee Heights Blvd. to Highway 149. The corridors crossed through the cities of Saint Paul, West St. Paul, and Mendota Heights.
Isthmus led the design of the pedestrian facilities, sidewalks, and driveways along the corridor to meet the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. Curb lines, roadway geometry, and intersection modifications were made to comply with the ADA and to improve multimodal functionality along the corridor. The project's ADA-compliant design included over 30 intersections and 2.5 miles of sidewalk. Plans included a shared bike lane in the northbound direction and a dedicated bike lane in the southbound direction from Highway 5 to George St. and a sidewalk addition from Cherokee Heights Blvd. to Chippewa Ave.
Our team also prepared the signing and pavement marking designs to accommodate sidewalk and bike lane additions, crosswalks, and roadway use. Signing was updated at the I-494/Highway 149 ramp area to comply with current design standards and practices and bike lane signage was installed at the new bike lane areas. Impacted signs for the remainder of the project were salvaged and reinstalled as needed to accommodate the drainage and ADA improvements. Pavement marking was designed for the entire length of the project which included crosswalks, bike lanes, and turn lanes in both rural and urban portions of the project.
This project required multi-community and agency coordination and cooperation. Our team ensured that there was close coordination between the ADA design and pavement marking design for crosswalk warrants and placement.

Michelle Gerrity
Role: ADA Design Lead
Amber Nord
Role: Signing & Pavement Marking Lead
Amy DeBruin
Role: Design Quality Manager
Elizabeth Lewen
Role: Design Engineer
- ADA Design
- Signing & Pavement Marking
- Quality Management
Owner: MnDOT Metro District
Location: Mendota Heights, West St. Paul, and St. Paul, MN
Project Number: SP 6223-20 and SP 1917-45