Signing & Pavement Marking

Signing and Pavement Marking are the guidelines we provide for the traveling public to get them safely from “point A to point B" in a vehicle, on a bicycle, or on foot.
Signing regulates, warns, and guides drivers and pedestrians on roadways. It supplements roadway geometry and pavement marking. Sign placement and panel messaging are important elements to safely guide drivers along their routes.
Pavement Marking provides additional guidance and warning to drivers in complement with signing of roadway geometrics.
Isthmus has developed pavement marking plans and regulatory, guidance, and informational signs and layouts for numerous traffic control plans. Our agile and flexible team has responded to geometric design changes that occurred late in the design process and with very tight schedule constraints. Signing and pavement marking is often impacted by changes to signal and lighting placement, sidewalk and entrance access point modifications, bridge and structure details, and the desires of adjacent communities and businesses which requires a nimble and dynamic team.
Areas of Specialty
The Isthmus signing team works on many different types of signing projects; freeway, four-lane, three-lane, and two-lane in both rural and urban settings. We offer signing design for special geometric areas such as roundabouts and reduced conflict intersections. Our experience also includes the design of I-Beam and overhead sign structures on projects. We apply the requirements of the MnMUTCD, MnDOT Traffic Engineering Manual, and client preferences to our designs. Our team has collectively designed hundreds of sign panels on projects and utilizes SignCAD for special panel designs.
Pavement Marking
Isthmus has designed pavement marking for freeway, four-lane, three-lane, and two-lane in both rural and urban areas. Our designs are based on requirements in the MnMUTCD, guidance provided in the MnDOT Traffic Engineering Manual, pavement marking typical drawings, and client preferences. Our team has designed pavement markings for complex roadway geometric locations on roundabouts and reduced conflict intersections.
Featured Experience
I-35W North MnPASS Design-Build
Ramsey and Anoka Counties, MN -
TH 43 Mankato Avenue
Winona, MN -
Hwy 371 Reduced Conflict Intersections
Brainerd, MN
Featured Team Members

Amber Nord, PE

Allison Futhey, PE

Elizabeth Lewen, EIT, JD

Daren Ellefson, PE

Ayub Muktar, EIT